Friday, December 17, 2010


The moment I have been waiting for has finally arrived! I HAVE A BLOG! I can't think of any better way to begin than by posting some pages from my fifth grade journal. If THAT doesn't hook you, I don't know what will. Please note that the thoughts (and spelling) expressed in this journal are those of my 10 year old self and do not necessarily represent the views of my current (and more sane) self. ENJOY!


  1. Oh my..where do I begin?!?! These journal entries are PRICELESS! I had no idea you were so political :) I can't wait to see your posts--particularly your restaurant recommendations!!!! I love this so far. Really love. -M

  2. Wow! The wrath of 10 year old Sam burns with the intensity of one thousand Guantanamos! That was an amazing journal entry. I look forward to more hilarity on your super great blog!

  3. LOVE the name! wish i was in your apartment giggling over those diary entries with you. can't wait to read more!

  4. Awww, thanks guys!! You are so sweet and funny and amazing. Thanks for being so supportive. I can't wait to post more (and by the way, WHAT am I doing up at 8:21 on a Saturday morning? Having a blog makes me too excited to sleep!).

  5. Bobby and I had a great laugh reading the deepest, darkest, inner most secret thoughts of 10 year old Sam. Maybe you should have enrolled in the military.

  6. HAHAHA. I still look forward to the day when this diary is published in its entirety. Maybe you can share it with us slowly in the meantime? Like "Fifth Grade Journal Fridays" or something to keep the merriment going? XO

  7. Sam! I love it. It's about time you started a blog. :) Can't wait to read and pee in my pants over your posts!
