Thursday, February 10, 2011

Tangled headphones? Again??

Am I the only one this happens to? I put my headphones in my purse..and if I take them out even one second later, they are a tangled mess! How is this even possible? I know what you're thinking: Sam, I can't possibly focus on your tangled headphones dilemma when I am so distracted by the radiant beauty of your hands! I know, I get that all the time. "You should be a hand model. I have to put you in touch with my agent". It's totally understandable. They are kind of amazing. Um, but back to the headphones...It is completely out of hand! That's a lot of time spent untangling I can never get back! Time to buy retractable headphones...


  1. Tangled headphones are RUINING my life!

  2. maybe the mean psychic saw tangled headphones in your future, and that's why she predicted all the doom!!!

  3. That's what the little thing you move up and down is for. Push it towards the ear pieces, and they don't tangle. Ta-da!

  4. you are my IDOL, Abby! first, the ability to perfectly fold a fitted sheet, and now THIS???
