Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Reasons I Heart NY-Vol. 7

-Nuts 4 Nuts-Those nuts vendors on lucky Manhattan street corners-They give off the most magical smell I've ever known. If I could bottle that smell and sell it to New Yorkers living overseas, I'm pretty sure I could make millions. (If you're wondering, the nuts don't even taste half as good as they smell, but they're still pretty darn good!)
-Joe's Shanghai-Sitting at a communal table with your friend and about 4 random people, slurping on delicious soup dumplings-it doesn't get any better than that!
-Signs alerting people to when/where movies and tv shows will be filmed...posted in advance...(required by law, I think?): Making it easier than ever to stalk your favorite celebrities!
-Shady people lingering on the east river that motivate me to run faster on my river jogs (so as to show them they shouldn't try messing with me)
-Apotheke-a hidden apothecary style bar we stumbled upon (with a little help from our iPhones of course!) in Chinatown. Amazing ambiance! Bartenders wear white coats and prescribe cocktails to suit your needs: Health and Beauty, Stress Relievers, Aphrodisiacs etc. Just what the doctor ordered (You don't know how long I was waiting to say that! Couldn't resist!).

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha! You're so right about the Nuts4Nuts carts. The nuts are so disappointing after smelling that sweet toasty perfume. Nuts4Nuts? more like Nuts2Buy!
